June 25, 2022
Experience Art Fest!
The Experience Art Fest 2022 is a poetry themed one day festival in North Grenville June 25, 2022. The events start at 10 a.m. which include a Poetry Tent with feature poets and an open mic, a Workshop Tent presenting creative workshops, a Publisher tent and various vendors in an outdoor setting.
The evening program at the Urbandale Art Centre begins at 4 p.m. with musical performances and The Circuit, a music and poetry mashup.
Outdoor Festival Schedule
10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
OUTDOORS at North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Rd. 44, Kemptville)
Cost: FREE
Poetry Tent: featuring poets from Toronto, Ottawa , and Kingston with open mic.
Publishers Tent
Workshop Tent
Local Art Groups and Vendor Tents
The Workshop Tent
10:00 A.M.
OUTDOORS at North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Rd. 44, Kemptville)
Cost: FREE
In this workshop, you will hear from two poets who found comfort, meaning, and self-expression during times of tremendous upheaval and change. Katie Nolan began writing a haiku poem each day in March 2020 and continued until May 2022, collecting nearly 800 poems that serve as a retrospective of the phases of the pandemic. She has self-published two volumes, with more anticipated. Jackie Schoemaker Holmes, PhD started writing poetry about her motherhood journey as a way to heal from postpartum depression and anxiety. Her self-published collection of real, raw, and unflinchingly honest poetry chronicles both the disruption of a singular identity and the disruption of motherhood that one woman experienced the moment her daughter was born and her life fell apart. Together, they will share their poetry and their process of finding creativity in darkness.
The Poetry Tent
10:00 A.M.
OUTDOORS at North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Rd. 44, Kemptville)
Cost: FREE
Hosted by Bruce Kauffman:
10:00 A.M. Ron Chase
11:00 A.M. Meghan Gagliardi
12:00 -1:00 P.M. *Lunch Break*
1:00 P.M. Doris Fiszer / Susan Atkinson
2:00 P.M. Sue Bracken
3:00 P.M. John Baldwin
Live Performances Schedule
4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
INDOORS in the Urbandale Arts Centre (North Grenville Municipal Centre 285 County Rd. 44, Kemptville)
4:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. FREE
7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. $20 (Children under 12 have FREE admission)
4:00 P.M. Gary Rasberry With the Oxford Mills on Rideau Elementary School
Performance is based on the songs that Gary and the students co-created in May. Check it out: https://images.app.goo.gl/qAp2mu8cWJ8WeCTk9
5:00 P.M. The Circuit with Pat Johnson and Just Jamaal, the Poet
“Stringing Words Together”
Come and join in the fun...see what they can do!
6:00 P.M. Photo and Poetry Winners
6:30 - 7:00 P.M. *Break*
7:00 P.M. John Wilberforce
8:00 P.M. Julia Finnegan
Julia Finnegan
7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
INDOORS in the Urbandale Arts Centre (North Grenville Municipal Centre 285 County Rd. 44, Kemptville)
Cost: $20 (Children under 12 have FREE admission)
Come enjoy the music of folk-rock artist Julia Finnegan!
Catch her as the closing event of Experience Art Fest on June 25, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. John Wilberforce, a local musician, is the opening act.
Gary Rasberry and
Oxford On Rideau Public
4:00 P.M. to 4:50 P.M.
INDOORS in the Urbandale Arts Centre (North Grenville Municipal Centre 285 County Rd. 44, Kemptville)
Cost: FREE
Come and enjoy the songs created by Gary and the Oxford On Rideau students!
Doors open at 3:30 p.m.
Performance is based on the songs that Gary and the students co-created in May. Check it out: https://images.app.goo.gl/qAp2mu8cWJ8WeCTk9